Antimony metal (atomic symbol Sb) is a shiny silver metal, it belongs to a group of non-metallic elements and is a poor conductor and conductor of heat.
The pure form of antimony is used to produce certain types of semiconductors, such as diodes and infrared detectors … An alloy of lead and antimony is used in battery, low friction metals, shells cable wrap and many other products. Other compounds of antimony are also used to produce paints, glass and ceramics.
In the field of antimony trading, it is popular in the form of ingots (weight of each antimony ingot about 25 – 35kgs) and at high quality (Sb > 99.65%).

Inspection of an antimony shipment is checking of condition, counting the number of ingot/pallet, weighing, sampling and quality analysis … of that antimony shipment.

For further advice on IMI’s antimony inspection service, please contact:
IMI Vietnam Co., Ltd
Address: 2/101 Phuong Khe Street, Dong Hoa Ward, Kien An District, Haiphong City, Vietnam
Hotline: +84 372 190781